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Because of the impact of the fire on North Cherry Street, Wake Forest will cancel classes on Tuesday, Feb. 1. Staff who are not needed to support the evacuation effort and are able to work remotely are encouraged to do so. If you are unsure if you should report to campus, contact your supervisor.

Wake Forest has opened the Wellbeing Center, Benson Center and ZSR Library for faculty, staff or students who are evacuating and are not able to stay with friends or family outside of the one-mile evacuation radius. Those buildings will remain open all night. You may wish to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and/or blanket to be comfortable, as well as any other necessary personal belongings. Please remember to wear face masks when in campus buildings.

Wake Forest has set up a Student Support Center in the Wellbeing Center in conference room A330. Faculty and staff can contact with questions.

Travel in the evacuation area around 4400 North Cherry Street will become increasingly difficult as police begin to shut down roads and prohibit vehicle traffic. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to evacuate as soon as possible. Use personal vehicles and carpool when possible. Parking anywhere on campus is allowed.

Wake Forest will operate the on-call shuttle as long as possible to aid with evacuations, but please use this as a last resort. Call 336-283-1091 to request a shuttle.

The evacuation area does not include on-campus housing, with the exception of Deacon Place, which is within the one-mile evacuation radius. The Winston-Salem Fire Department says that the evacuation order will be in place for 48 hours (until around 11 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 2) and then will be reassessed. If you are evacuating, take personal belongings needed for at least that period of time.

Students on campus or living outside of the one-mile radius are encouraged to stay indoors and keep their windows closed.

Students who are off-campus and are in quarantine or isolation will receive direct communication from Residence Life and Housing. These students also can email for information.

Additional updates will be shared as information evolves.

The best source of information about the fire is the official Twitter page for the Winston-Salem Fire Department: @cityofwsfire.

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