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Wake Forest is continuing preparations for potential effects from Hurricane Irma. At this time, officials are cautiously optimistic about a relatively low impact to the Winston-Salem area.

Current weather forecasts indicate a storm track that would take it west of the region around Winston-Salem and Wake Forest University.  Conditions in our area may include moderate levels of rain and wind beginning Monday and continuing through Tuesday.

The University’s Crisis Management Team is meeting regularly and will continue to do so in the days ahead.  Team members are consulting closely with senior University leadership as well as local and state officials to prepare for potential effects of the storm.

Numerous Wake Forest administrative departments are directly involved in storm preparations, including Facilities and Campus Services, the University Police Department and Residence Life and Housing.  Facilities staff are working to keep drains and gutters clear and secure objects that might otherwise be tossed about by wind gusts.  Special attention is being given to securing objects and equipment in construction areas on campus.

The University is not in an area prone to flooding during heavy rain, but Residence Life and Housing is preparing to address any potential problems with water buildup in residence hall areas.

Potential storm effects are not expected to prompt the necessity for an evacuation of the University.

At present, there are is no expectation for significant disruption to any University operations and services.

The University will continue to communicate with students, faculty, staff and others if the need were to arise during the weekend and beyond.  Significant developments likely would prompt messages to be emailed to the campus community and others.  Minor announcements most likely would only be posted on the Inside WFU web site.  Additional announcements may not be necessary.

If emergency conditions were to occur at Wake Forest, the University’s Wake Alert Emergency Notification System will be activated.  In an emergency, alerts and updates would be posted on the Wake Alert web site and distributed through other methods.

Frequently updated information on weather conditions at Wake Forest is available through WeatherSTEM.  The information is available through Facebook and Twitter (@WakeForestWxSTEM).  WeatherSTEM also offers apps for iOS and Android.

You may visit to see Hurricane Irma’s proximity to Wake Forest.  Enter 27109 as the zip code.  You may also text Wake Forest’s zip code, 27109, to 336-750-6434 to get texted back in real time with Hurricane Irma information from WeatherSTEM.

Students whose families have been, or could be affected, by the storm may find the following resources helpful:

— Office of Chaplain

— University Counseling Center

— Office of the Dean of Students

— Residence Life and Housing

Wake Forest Communications and External Relations

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