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No action or inaction by a crime survivor makes that person responsible for his or her victimization. Perpetrators are responsible for crimes and their effects. The following suggestions may help reduce the possibility of experiencing such a crime, or may improve opportunities to receive prompt assistance.

Avoid walking alone at night
Walk in groups, stay in well-lit areas and consider taking the University Shuttle. Information is available on the University Shuttle at

Download the Wake Safe app to your cellphone
Use the SafeWalk (a peer-to-peer tool) – Invite friends and family to temporarily follow your location on a real-time map. They will see your approximate location as you walk to your destination and will know when you get there safely

Consider not using headphones
While you may enjoy listening to music while running or walking, headphones limit your ability to hear what is going on in your surroundings.

Keep your door locked
Most thefts happen in unlocked rooms when the occupant is gone for a short time, including residence hall hallways, suites and apartments. Do not prop open exterior doors.

Do not lend your key or key card
Report lost or stolen keys to University Police and your resident advisor.

Be cautious about secure areas
Do not let anyone follow you into a secured area without checking their ID. Let them use their own Deacon OneCard or key to enter.

Report obscene, annoying or harassing phone calls
University Police will investigate and watch for patterns.

Report security problems
Problems with locks, doors, windows, exterior lights and overgrown shrubbery can be reported to Facilities and Campus Services at 336-758-4255.

Enroll in personal-safety and security programs
University Police frequently offer security training, such as the Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) course, which is available to women through the University’s course registration system.

Avoid displaying and carrying large sums of money.
Displaying and carrying large sums of cash is not advised. Today, debit and credit cards are often used. Wake Forest ID cards are conveniently used on campus, too. Carry items such as purses close to your body; keep wallets concealed when practical.

Avoid isolated or dark areas and stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

Always travel with a charged cell phone available to call for help.

If you are the victim of a robbery: If you are confronted, cooperate. Give the criminal the property that he/she asks for — wallet, keys, jewelry, credit cards and electronics. Your life is more valuable than possessions that can be replaced. Don’t make sudden moves or try to apprehend or fight with the criminal. Concentrate on remembering the suspect’s description and call police immediately. Your safety is most important. Do what the robber says and don’t try to negotiate. If the suspect claims he/she has a gun, knife, or other weapon in his pocket, believe them.